Emergency Response

Emergency Response

Non-Food Item Distribution


Being prepared to respond quickly and effectively to different disaster events, and reduce their impact, is vital. In the developing world, this is especially important because economic instability and lower levels of development mean that countries and their people are typically more vulnerable to the shocks of a disaster than those in the developed world.

Cyclone Eloise Response

Mozambique which is prone to natural disasters, such as cyclones, floods and droughts is currently experiencing yet another humanitarian emergency after Cyclone Eloise made a landfall in the early hours of 23 January 2021 in Sofala province causing widespread destruction.

Cyclone Eloise made a landfall near the coastal city of Beira, with winds of 140km/h and gusts up to 160km/h. JAM responded immediately to assist those affected.

Flooding in South Sudan

The compounding effect of flooding and inter-communal violence has caused significant disruption on the people’s food security and livelihoods in Pibor, South Sudan and needs both immediate and long-term responses to help restore the livelihood of affected households.

Please visit our Flood Response page for more information and to donate

COVID-19 Response

The impact of COVID-19 on 1.3 million vulnerable JAM beneficiaries calls for collective and urgent response. Pre-existing drivers such as poverty, food insecurity, epidemics, droughts, flooding, lack of water and sanitation, poor service delivery, low education levels, unequal access to information and civil strife will complicate the effects on these communities. And with the widespread shutdown of schools over 200,000 children are deprived of vital nutritional support. These are children and their families dependent on JAM’s school meals.

COVID-19 Response

Please visit our Covid-19 Response page for more information and to donate.